1.Still, in today's environment, few countries want to be the last one standing with a strong currency.
2.A strong currency helps contain inflation risks. It translates the surge in dollar commodity prices into a smaller rise in euro terms.
3.To be sure, Germany cannot be blamed for wanting a strong currency and a balanced budget.
4.That experience shows that the U. S. can have both a strong currency at home and a more competitive dollar abroad.
5.To the novice, a "strong currency" sounds like an unambiguous good.
6.This slowdown is partly owing to lower prices for Canada's resource exports, weak demand for its goods from Europe and a strong currency.
7.For most of his term the euro has been a strong currency, at times reaching $1. 60.
8.First, a strong currency grants an advantage to competitors with a cost base in a cheaper currency.
9.In time, having a strong currency may once again come to be seen as an advantage, not a handicap.
10."We will have a strong currency for a long period of time, " Mr Pimentel said. "Businessmen will have to get used to that. "